Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Inaugural Post

Hello World!

I've been putting it off forever, but I finally decided it was time to face the music and blog. Since this is the inaugural post, and since I'm not entirely sure what this blog will grow up to be, I thought it might be in the spirit of the occasion to put up a Constitution of sorts. In fact, it will be more of a Suggestion, but I suppose that's in the spirit of modern American politics.

The purpose of this blog, as will eventually be repeated in an "about" section, I am sure, is to offer an outlet for my practice in writing, allusion to obscure pop culture and nerd fandom, and as a showpoint for my grotesque and absurd sense of humor. This is because my life is like a TARDIS, much like the title says: although the outside might only range from the mundane to the moderately interesting, my Scrubs-like patterns of absurdist mental association make it far more entertaining than it has any right to be. It's bigger on the inside.

I may end up including poorly-drawn MS Paint drawings to illustrate my point, but don't think this is only in parasitic imitation of Allie Brosh. Although I love her blog dearly, my MS Paint drawings will be scribble because I can't draw worth two bits using a mouse. I can hardly merit four with a pencil.

It would probably be good manners at this point to introduce myself, but let's face it: if you don't know my name, it doesn't mean much to you, and if you do, then we don't need to be introduced. I'm also told there is no "rude" on the Internet.

Stay tuned!


  1. "My Life is a TARDIS" is one of the best blog titles I have ever seen, and I internet a lot. Over the course of two days, the good doctor has been referenced four times. This makes me happy.

  2. Thanks, Adam! I had been looking for a title that explains why things in my life seem so much different on this side of my eyeballs. And doing so preferably without making me look like a complete loon, though I'm just fine being labeled as an unrepentant nerd.
